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Wednesday, January 7, 2015

My Goal of Uncluttering Starts with the Basement

So I started my goal of unclutttering. As much as I would love to start in the house/living area of the house, there is so much stuff in the basement that there is no room to put anything I may want. Now mind you,these things are not things I acquired or saved. They were here when I met my husband and always were in the house. I just moved them years ago to the basement. Well, time for them to go so they were all boxed up and donated.

I know it don't look like much but I can't post every picture, just a representation of what I am dealing with at the moment. This particular group of pictures is the 3rd Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo full that went. Just boxes and boxes of these collectible glass items.

I know, you may be thinking that I am exaggerating about the basement so I just took a picture of it. Remember, this is after 3 loads already left and part of it is straightened up. As you can tell from the picture, I have a long way to go.

At least I have a path to get to the washing machine without knocking into everything! 

Now the problem is I, after only two days of basement work, caught one heck of a cold so all work has stopped. I am itching to get down there but just feel so miserable...maybe tomorrow....


  1. Wow, wish I lived closer, i'd snap up some of those beer Steins... Looks like tons of work, hope you feel better soon!

  2. I wish you were closer too, I'd make you pack your own beer steins..LOL.

    Thank you for the well wishes!


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