Of course I did it in a rush with only 3 days to the shower but little did I realize at the time how wrong I made it. I didn't use stabilizer when embroidering or anything but it was a learning experience and Christina loved the quilt.
So now that Damien is older, his taste changed and it was time for a new quilt...
The Walking Dead
(I don't have a twin size bed to show it on so just threw it over my queen size bed.)
This time, I used stabilizers and even though it is extremely heavy embroidering, it came out good.
I also am still working on my quilt.
(At this point I need to sandwich and quilt it. Then add the next strip and ruffles at the bottom.)
But I also make clothing.
This is still a work in progress. It is missing the rosettes.
I don't have photos of everything but I've been busy.