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Saturday, December 1, 2018

Remodeling June to December 2018, first room was the BATHROOM

Once we got home from our month long vacation visiting family that was spread out from IN to FL we started the physical remodeling job on the house. I say physical because I researched and looked through all kinds of sites including Pinterest, I also went to showrooms to get ideals of what I want each room to look like. This went on for at least 6 months before we even started the physical work.

This was suppose to be fun, so we thought but turned into a nightmare. The stress level was high and wearing thin on my nerves. Yes, it was worth it now that I get to enjoy the end results but this was started in June and lasted until December. The only reason I stopped was because of the holidays and January 2nd I had surgery on my foot so no walking or standing until it healed. (It is healed enough now so I will start back up as soon as the warmer weather is here. I rather air out the paint smell that do it now and have to smell it in a closed house.) Anyways, little things need to be done, a door painted here or a molding there. The hallway needs another coat but no real big projects left. Technically, it isn't completely finished but all the hard work is done (nothing but painting left) and last week I got the custom made spice rack so everything is in now in and hung were they are suppose to be.

First room to be done was the bathroom:


Yes, that is a shell sink from the 80's.


I never took photos for the intent of 'before and after' so I have no photos of the rest of the bathroom but it was towel bars on the walls, and that same yellow floor and wall board or whatever you call that stuff from the 80s. Naturally it is yellowed and cracked from all those years. Notice how dark the before picture is? Yep, that is all the light I had in there. It is a good thing I don't wear either makeup or contact lenses, I'd be really in sad shape trying to do those with that lighting. However now it is a different story. I love my bathroom now!

I wish I could have captured it but those tiles look like cut glass inside and they reflect the light in a way that makes them sparkle, much like a diamond sparkles. There is a new vent fan with a light over the tub/shower and recessed lighting in the ceiling in both the front of the bathroom as well as the back. (I did turn some lights off in some of the pictures to cut down on the shine.) With the new light bar over the sink, no more darkness!!! 

Also I decided not to mar the walls with towel bars and put up art instead. I bought a standing towel bar for by the sink to lay hand towels on and for bath towels we use the stand that is under the window (not in one of the pictures so look at 2nd from last) which we lay there to dry and then hang it on hooks inside the closet (which is why I want them dry first) until we get enough for a load of laundry. No more ugly hooks on the bathroom door with damp towels hanging so every time you wash your hands, your brushing up against wet towels plus the unsightly towels hanging from the towel bars on the wall. 

I love the clean lines and pictures. This room was what kept my sanity when the rest of the house was a mess! I would come in here and look at the trees. That wire tree hanging by the toilet is a great for stress relief by bending the 'roots' in different shapes. This room would always remind me why I am going through it and put a smile on my face every time.